
Dr. Munir Virani Publications

Buij, R., McClure, C. J., Hassell, J. M., Awoyemi, S., Richards, N. L., Virani, M. Z., & Ottinger, M. A. (2022). Exposure to Pesticides and Zoonoses During Procurement, Trade, and Consumption of Vulture Parts: An Unexplored Threat to Human Health. Vulture News, 81, 25–33. doi:10.4314/vulnew.v81i1.4
McClure, C. J., Anderson, D. L., Buij, R., Dunn, L., Henderson, M. T., McCabe, J., … Tavares, J. (2021). Commentary: The Past, Present, and Future of the Global Raptor Impact Network. Journal of Raptor Research, 55(4). doi:10.3356/jrr-21-13]
McClure, C. J., Rolek, B. W., & Virani, M. Z. (2021). Contrasting Trends in Abundance of Indian Vultures (Gyps indicus) Between Two Study Sites in Neighboring Indian States. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.629482
Eichenwald, A. J., Amar, A., Tyrrell, P., Buechley, E. R., & Virani, M. Z. (2021). Declines in Augur Buzzard Buteo augur Population in a Region of Increasing Human Development. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.590073
McClure, C. J., Dunn, L., McCabe, J. D., Rolek, B. W., Botha, A., Virani, M. Z., … Katzner, T. E. (2021). Flight Altitudes of Raptors in Southern Africa Highlight Vulnerability of Threatened Species to Wind Turbines. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.667384

Dr. Munir Virani Publications

Didarali, Z., Kuiper, T., Brink, C. W., Buij, R., Virani, M. Z., Reson, E. O., & Santangeli, A. (2022). Awareness of Environmental Legislation as a Deterrent for Wildlife Crime: A Case With Masaai Pastoralists, Poison Use and the Kenya Wildlife Act. Ambio, 51(7), 1632–1642. doi:10.1007/s13280-021-01695-8
Ogada, D., Virani, M. Z., Thiollay, J. M., Kendall, C. J., Thomsett, S., Odino, M., … Shaw, P. (2022). Evidence of widespread declines in Kenya’s Raptor populations over a 40-year period. Biological Conservation, 266, 109361. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109361
Subedi, Tulsi R., Peréz‐García, J. M., Gurung, S., Baral, H. S., Virani, M. Z., Sah, S. A., & Anadón, J. D. (2022). Global Range Dynamics of the Bearded Vulture (gypaetus barbatus) From the Last Glacial Maximum to Climate Change Scenarios. Ibis, 165(2), 403–419. doi:10.1111/ibi.13149
O’Bryan, C. J., Allan, J. R., Suarez-Castro, A. F., Delsen, D. M., Buij, R., McClure, C. J., … Kissling, W. D. (2022). Human impacts on the world’s raptors. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.624896
Santangeli, A., Virani, M. Z., & Margalida, A. (2022). The Hidden Damage of Dogs to Biodiversity – Dog Poisoning Hampers Vulture Conservation. Biological Conservation, 268, 109505. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109505
Kane, A., Monadjem, A., Aschenborn, H. K. O., Bildstein, K., Botha, A., Bracebridge, C., … Kendall, C. J. (2022). Understanding Continent-Wide Variation in Vulture Ranging Behavior To Assess Feasibility of Vulture Safe Zones in Africa: Challenges and possibilities. Biological Conservation, 268, 109516. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109516

Dr. Munir Virani Publications

Gurung, S., Subedi, T. R., Baral, R., Pérez-García, J. M., Ghimire, M., Baral, H. S., … Buij, R. (2022). Breeding Habitat and Factors Affecting the Cliff Selection by Egyptian Vultures in Central-West Nepal. Journal of Raptor Research, 57(1). doi:10.3356/jrr-21-59
Subedi, Tulsi R., Pérez-García, J. M., Gurung, S., Baral, H. S., Bhattacharjee, A., Anadón, J. D., … Buij, R. (2023). Human-Induced Mortality an Overlooked Threat for Raptors in Nepal. Bird Conservation International, 33. doi:10.1017/s0959270923000254
McClure, C. J., Buij, R., Thorstrom, R., Vargas, F. H., & Virani, M. Z. (2023). The World’s Most Imperiled Raptors Present Substantial Conservation Challenges. Journal of Raptor Research, 57(3). doi:10.3356/jrr-22-79
Shaw, P., Ogada, D., Dunn, L., Buij, R., Amar, A., Garbett, R., … Thomsett, S. (2024). African savanna raptors show evidence of widespread population collapse and a growing dependence on protected areas. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8(1), 45–56. doi:10.1038/s41559-023-02236-0
Hatfield, R. S., Davis, A. G., Buij, R., Cox, J. J., Kapila, S., Parmuntoro, L., … van Langevelde, F. (2024). Africa’s overlooked Top predator: Towards a better understanding of martial eagle feeding ecology in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. Wildlife Biology, 2024(4). doi:10.1002/wlb3.01223
McClure, C. J., Bhusal, K. P., Karmacharya, D. K., & Virani, M. Z. (2022). Resurveys reveal potential population increases of the Himalayan Griffon in Central West Nepal. Journal of Raptor Research, 56(1). doi:10.3356/jrr-21-36
Serratosa, J., Oppel, S., Rotics, S., Santangeli, A., Butchart, S. H. M., Cano-Alonso, L. S., … Jones, V. R. (2024). Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a Flyway scale. Biological Conservation, 293, 110525. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110525

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